Continue to lay the ground work for the promotional campaign and fall launch. The core team needs to be trained and promotional materials need to be ordered.


  1. Determine Program Start Date, Time, and Location.
  2. Purchase advertising materials for seeding and the 3-week promotional campaign by going here. You will need to sign in to the website to order materials. See the tutorial video for more information.
  3. Select small group leaders.  In most cases, core team couples will double up as small group leaders, but if you expect to have over 50 couples, then you should recruit additional small group leaders.
  4. Host a Core Team Training session to review the Anticipation Phase and Small Group Formation and Facilitation.
  5. Look for opportunities to promote the program at other parish activities throughout the weeks prior to the start date.
  6. Continue to seed the parish.  PERSONAL CONTACT is the foundation for spreading the word.  A majority of participants will attend because someone personally invited them.
  7. Brainstorm ways to effectively track men that have been personally invited, allowing opportunities for follow up as well to make sure someone is not missed.
  8. Read the Anticipation Phase and make sure you have completed all the items on the checklist.

Anticipation Phase

Small Groups