What is Superabundance?
God doesn’t want our marriages and our families just to have enough. He wants them to be Superabundant! And that means more! To be clear, that means more of the stuff that matters to God. It’s pretty good stuff, too – love, mercy, forgiveness, understanding, steadiness, hope and faith just to name a few. What matters to God is pretty amazing for us and our families too.
So…how do we get this superabundance? Like anything else worth doing, it takes work. But it is good work and it starts with experience.
How to Experience Superabundance!
Join or start a program...
Programs that take place at the parish allow for larger group gatherings. Small group discussion keeps the conversation manageable, while at the same time giving the small groups a sense of connectedness with one another. All Paradisus Dei programs can be done at the parish.
Start a Small Community…
Gather with friends and experience the journey of faith, with people of your choosing, typically 6-10 couples or individuals. You invite, you schedule, you host. Form tight friendships of empowerment and support. Existing groups are welcome. Applies to the marriage ministry, youth program and Mother/Daughter retreat.
Read a book...
When a great book is the right choice, we have some great choices for you. Choose from categories like marriage, men’s faith, women’s faith, youth, saints, prayer and theology.
Attend an event...
Paradisus Dei offers select events each year. We also participate in events as speakers, exhibitors and sponsors. We recommended third party events here as well.
See the world...
Paradisus Dei sponsors pilgrimages every two years to inspiring, faith-filled locations. On the odd years, a button called “Send me info” will put you on our notification list for the next pilgrimage opportunity. Otherwise, click below for our pilgrimage page.
Share with a friend...
Because one of the best ways to experience anything is with a friend, we provide options to help you invite a friend to experience what Paradisus Dei is all about. There is no limit on the number of people you can tell about our ministries.