We are quickly approaching your start date! Therefore this time is critical and will go a long way in determining the success of your program. The three most important activities are running the promotional campaign, registering couples for The Choice Wine and resolving the first session logistics.


  1. Purchase advertising materials immediately through our online store. You will need to sign into the website in order to place your order.
  2. Schedule weekly or bi-weekly Core Team Meetings prior to your launch date.
  3. Schedule Pulpit and Cantor Announcements at your parish for multiple weekends.
  4. Schedule a registration table at Mass for multiple weekends. Coordinate who will be at each Mass with your Core Team.
  5. Host a Core Team Training session to review Small Group Formation and Facilitation and to discuss the Attraction Phase.
  6. Enter Registration Cards into your The Choice Wine Class Details Page online using our tutorial video as a guide. For those familiar with TMIY registration, be aware that the process is slightly different for The Choice Wine.
  7. Familiarize yourself with how to send weekly emails from the Paradisus Dei website.
  8. Schedule a Dry Run a day or two prior to your launch date.
  9. Read through the Attraction Phase of the Core Team Manual for more details and best practices.
  10. Don’t neglect PERSONAL CONTACT.  Most couples will attend because another couple personally invited them.

Attraction Phase