We Hit Our Fall Goal! 850 TMIY Parishes!

This fall marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of TMIY at St. Cecilia Catholic Church in Houston, TX.  Beginning with the 100+ men who showed up that first week, more than 150,000 men and their families have now been impacted by the That Man Is You! men’s program.

We want to thank all of those who have invested their time, energy, and resources into bringing TMIY to the men of their parishes. And to the men who attend, and who have journeyed with us year after year, thank you for your faithfulness – it is our joy to serve you.

With a holy zeal and hearts full of gratitude, we head into our largest-ever year of TMIY with over 850 active classes!  Let us pray for all the men who will participate in the program this year – that their hearts will be open to encounter Jesus right where they are so He can take them further.

Congratulations Missionaries to the Family Class of 2023!

This weekend, we commissioned 31 couples into the great mission field of the family. We were joined by Fr. Peter Towsley, Msgr. Michael Bliss, Apostle Couples Roger & Bernadette Peters and Paul & Chrissy Schneider. During our weekend-long retreat at Notre Dame, 28 couples attended to further develop their spiritual friendships and prayerfully discern their next steps.

Meet Our New Staff Members!

We are joyfully experiencing significant growth in the number of individuals, families, and parishes we are reaching. This has also increased the need to bring in some additional new staff members. “Our new hires are already helping us as we reach more people with our programs,” said Mike DiCosola, Director of Mission Engagement.“We’re excited to have these talented people as members of our team.

Here’s why each one of them is excited about joining Paradisus Dei!

1st Annual Core Team Leaders Retreat!

We were overjoyed to host our first annual Core Team Leader Retreat at our new office in Houston! Fifty men spanning across sixteen states and Canada humbled us with their presence, insights and best practices. These incredible men serve their local TMIY groups with heroic service, passion and joy. The retreat titled, Apostles of the New Springtime, focused upon each man’s personal prayer life, provided tools for reaching more souls and hosting life-giving small groups.  TMIY is blessed to work with the best men in the world, truly, men after God’s own heart.  Steve Bollman was able to make an appearance and inspirational talks were given by Mark Hartfiel, Michael Gormley, Jamie Gonzales, Mike DiCosola, and Isaac Mannella.  The Holy Spirit was moving and we cannot wait until next year!

Welcome Missionaries to the Family Class of 2024!

This weekend we welcomed 22 new couples into formation for Missionaries to the Family. During our final visit to the Grotto a stranger approached two of our couples and asked what was happening. He went to Notre Dame several years ago and stopped at the Grotto to pray while moving his wife (who was expecting) and child from DC to Wisconsin. He took a prayer card and information from us. Paul Schneider posted this to the Missionaries in attendance: “Let us all pray for this family as they move to a new city and hopefully one day join us as Missionaries!!” PRAISE HIM!

Click Here to learn more about Missionaries to the Family.




Filming in the Holy Land for Joyful Mysteries!

Our film crew is in the Holy Land filming for Season Two: The Joyful Mysteries. They are getting some one of a kind shots, ands so many of the takes afford a one and only chance to get it right. Please pray for them! Joyful Mysteries is expected to release this fall, just in time to enjoy this Advent.


John the Baptist: An Encounter with Christ from the Womb

A reflection by Mark Hartfiel on the Dobbs decision


I can’t think of a more perfect day to uphold the dignity of life than the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. This feast is celebrated each year on the Friday after the second Sunday following Pentecost. In all other years, June 24th is the celebration of the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. As far as feast days go, this feast is also atypical in nature. In most cases, feast days come on the anniversary of the death of a Saint. As an example, St. John Bosco died on January 31, 1888. Therefore we celebrate and honor his life and death on January 31 each year.


There are only three birthdays celebrated by the Church: Jesus (Dec 25), Mary (Sept 8), and John the Baptist (June 24). Why these three? The Church believes this trio was uniquely born without the stain of Original Sin. Of course, Jesus is Jesus. Mary was Immaculately Conceived. A less known teaching includes the belief that Jesus sanctified John the Baptist in the womb of Elizabeth prior to his birth. This moment came as “Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed with a loud cry … For behold, when the voice of your greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy” (Luke 1:41-44).


The presence of Jesus Christ, in the womb of Mary, the first tabernacle, sanctified John in the womb of his mother. Elizabeth, who was filled with the Holy Spirit, makes it very clear that the son inside her womb had joy!


It seems to be no coincidence that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade comes on a feast when we remember a baby in the womb who rejoiced at the presence of a baby in the womb.


Let us pray: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, teach us what it is to be a family. John the Baptist, teach us self-sacrificial love. May we pray for everyone affected by this decision: the unborn, all mothers and fathers, the frontline workers promoting life, those in need of healing from past decisions, and all those we disagree with. O Sacred Heart of Jesus – Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.


Art by: Corby Eisbacher

Into the Heart of St. Joseph

Twenty-four men journeyed to Montreal on May 19th on pilgrimage and retreat to St. Joseph’s Oratory. What they found was much more than the world’s largest shrine dedicated to St. Joseph.


“We arrived as strangers, we became friends, we left as family” – Joseph G.


“I went on this pilgrimage because I needed the entire Holy Family of Nazareth’s help in fulfilling my role as husband and father. And although I didn’t know how a “journey” would bring me closer to Christ — particularly through Saints like St. Joseph and St. André — I was rewarded with the simple miracles we take for granted: that God appears to us disguised as our lives… through simple acts of praying in fellowship with other men seeking or contemplating the lives of common people that we now revere as saints. I learned that journeying “Into the Heart of Saint Joseph” was nothing more than living out — if even just for a weekend — the simple traits of all the Saints: obedience, quiet love, and humility.” – Ted M.


“Each time I look at the photos or reflect on the encounters with these men, I can’t help but feel grateful and thankful for this blessed experience. It has made an indelible mark in my memory.”


“Twenty-four men of faith immersed themselves in the life of Brother André to understand the will of St. Joseph, ultimately to bring honor and glory to the Holy Family of Nazareth – the foundation of the domestic church. This mountain top experience filled our spiritual tanks and enabled us to stand shoulder to shoulder wearing the breastplate of righteousness, to defend the faith, and be fishers of men!  Ite Ad Joseph. Praise Him!” – Gerald V.


May 15 Canonization of Blessed Charles de Foucauld

Blessed Charles de Foucauld and the Presence of God

Blessed Charles de Foucauld is one of four saints studied during the Missionaries to the Family formation year. Applications are being accepted for the next class of missionary couples through the end of May. To find out more and to apply, please visit here.


From the Paradisus Dei Prayer Handbook:

Blessed Charles de Foucauld was born into a wealthy family in 1858 in Strasbourg, France. His parents died when he was five. He was adopted by his grandfather, who died when Charles was nineteen. Charles inherited a fortune — but his life spiraled downward. He abandoned the faith and indulged in his passions. He joined the army, but his quarters were filled with the finest cooks … and the prettiest “party girls.” He was disciplined by the army on numerous occasions and placed on leave. His fortune was placed in the hands of a conservator when the courts declared him a “spendthrift.”

Charles needed a change. He accepted a commission to the Sahara Desert. He fell in love with the vastness, silence, and solitude of the desert. At great personal risk, he scouted the entire Sahara. When his reports were published, he became famous and returned to Paris. Despite the sudden fame, money, and women, he longed for the silence and solitude of the desert.

He began a correspondence with a devout cousin, Marie de Bondy. She convinced him to see Fr. Huvelin at St. Augustin Church in Paris. Charles entered the confessional as an atheist and left as a man of God. He left the army and became a monk. His wanderings took him to Nazareth where, at last, he glimpsed the mystery he sought:


“I have glimpsed [the life of God] walking the streets of Nazareth.” 


“Jesus came to Nazareth, the place of the hidden life, of ordinary life, of family life, of prayer, work, obscurity, silent virtues, practiced with no witnesses other than God, his friends and neighbors. Nazareth, the place where most people lead their lives” (Charles de Foucauld, Essential Writings, p. 28).

Charles came to understand that at Nazareth, Jesus didn’t look or act like God. No miraculous cures or profound teachings. Christ was simply present in the normal events of everyday family life. It was this presence that transformed the home at Nazareth.

This is the mystery of your home. Christ is present in all the details of normal everyday life. He is hidden like at Nazareth, but he is there. Our challenge is to discover his presence and allow it to transform our lives.



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