2020 – TMIY Man of the Year

Meet our 2020 Man of the Year – Kevin Gibbs!  Fittingly, we call this the St. Joseph Award.

Kevin leads his local core team in Ottawa, was instrumental in helping launch the first 1st annual St. Joseph’s Oratory Pilgrimage to Montreal, and is currently a volunteer on the TMIY Mission Team.  He is personally reaching out to over 30 parishes to tell them them about TMIY!


“A man with a wounded heart can help a man with a wounded mind.” – Kevin Gibbs


“No matter where you are in your journey, how troublesome your early years have been, how deep the wounds are, how long you have struggled, how many times you have failed, how many times you have slid back into sin, what struggles you have gone through or are going through right now…the Lord knows everything about you and He loves you more than you can imagine.  He wants to meet you right where you are…right here …right now… and take you further!” – Kevin Gibbs

Pilgrimage Into the Heart of St. Joseph

St. Joseph is the hidden, silent, yet massive spiritual force behind everything we do in TMIY! The greatest fruit of TMIY would be that more and more men become like St. Joseph. I would like to invite you to an incredible spiritual experience: Join me, Fr. Peter Towsley and 30 TMIY men to the largest shrine in the world dedicated to St. Joseph! Together, we will journey into the heart of this great Saint. Details follow.

Cost $299 – Includes lodging, five meals, three private tours, and metro passes. Travel to and from the retreat site not included.  For pilgrims who wish to arrive a day early, add a Thursday night stay to your registration for an extra $100.  Thursday pilgrims will enjoy an unforgettable light show within Notre Dame Montreal as well as a visit to see St. Kateri on Friday morning.

Lodging at John XXIII Pavilion Hotel – Just steps away from the Oratory, this quaint retreat center in the heart of downtown Montreal is highly sought after by pilgrims and will make the perfect home base for this event. The entire building is ours for the weekend.


Register Here for September 2020


Yours in Christ,
Mark Hartfiel
Vice-President, Paradisus Dei







An All-New TMIY is Here!

It is unlike anything we have

ever done before!

Three brand new years!  New speakers, new topics, new approach!

These new years brings together 21 dynamic speakers from a range of backgrounds to the TMIY stage to present The Vision of Man Fully Alive , The Fight of Faith and All Things New. Experience a change of pace and many engaging personalities within the same great format. Now is the perfect time to join or re-join TMIY!

For more information, contact us at [email protected].

The Door: The Power of Presence

Paradisus Dei would like to share a brand-new video project with you.  Reactions to initial viewings have been humbling:

“WOW WOW WOW! Gave me chills, moved me to tears,
and inspired me to be a better man.”

“When can we share this??”

“You need to get this video out…to everybody!”

We invite you to take a look at The Door. Feel free to share it. Send it to every good man you know and include a personal message. Post it on social media. Help empower change and transform families.

Paradisus Dei Launches a New TMIY App

Paradisus Dei, the creators of the successful That Man is You! men’ program, is reaching the completion of a critical update to their digital infrastructure. This update includes a recently released online Class Management and Communications software, now with integrated streaming video capability. The new TMIY app, also fully integrated, is the last part of this critical update.

Because one of the many exciting aspects of the TMIY experience is the ability for men to view the session content, whether as a means to reinforce/continue their learning or watch missed sessions, the TMIY App has been completely re-developed from the ground-up. Video access is now simpler than ever through the TMIY app, which is provided at no cost to TMIY participants. The app runs natively on Apple or Android devices. These updates result in a much-improved and simpler user experience.

Improvements in this version include:

  • a simpler navigation interface
  • full screen video and slide viewing
  • automatic updates deliver the most current videos and slides
  • donation button makes giving easy
  • full integration with the TMIY online class management system

The last bullet above means that whenever a user updates their account in their new TMIY app, their class information will be automatically updated as well. Core Team Leaders will be able to in contact with class participants who move, change email addresses or phone numbers. The ease of video access also makes it convenient for participants to stay current with their class when they miss a session.

The new TMIY app is available for download from the App Store for iOS devices or Google Play for Android devices. If you already have the TMIY app, this will appear as an update in your app store.

TMIY Comes Full Circle at a Tampa Parish

“The material was stellar and truly impacted the men in very profound ways.”

I can tell you the response has been nothing but positive. We initially launched TMIY in fall of 2013, which by the grace of the Holy Spirit resulted in over 200 men attending our first meeting that first Tuesday morning at 6AM. The material was stellar and truly impacted many of the men in very profound ways. Over 3 years, the participating men not only grew in their knowledge and understanding of the Faith, but forged incredible bonds with like-minded men through the fellowship shared in small groups. Tuesday mornings become something familiar, and when the program culminated, many of the men possessed a great hunger for more.

“We desired new ways to attract and draw men closer to God…”

Out of this desire, several of the men created the Society of St. Joseph, a fellowship of men dedicated to formation in the faith, family leadership, and works of mercy with St. Joseph as our model in all these things. We desired new ways to attract and draw men closer to God through other avenues. Furthermore, there was a desire to help provide a coordinated platform to help men put their faith in to action. Drawing on many of the successful aspects of the TMIY program, we were able to provide the men with a familiar structure, while introducing them to new materials and curricula. By the grace of God, however, we were able to keep the men engaged and further challenge them to “be not only hearers, but doers of the Word.” Over the past 2 years the men of various small groups have served in over 30 works of mercy including our collaborative fund-raiser last year that generated over $25,000 for the Veterans treatment court here in Tampa.

“It was a ‘no-brainer.’”

As our committee sat down to discuss the programming for this fall, our formation chair received the information of your latest program, ” A Vision of Man Fully Alive.” It was a “no-brainer”. The material was just what we were looking for at just the right time…a ‘God-incidence’. As we read about this new program and the formation of Amici di Giuseppe, we felt a confirmation that our mission, and decision to run with this program was in alignment with the will of the Father and His foster father.

“…we have been able to engage over 500 men in our own and surrounding parishes.”

Through TMIY and subsequently SSJ for the past 2 years, we have been able to engage over 500 men in our own and surrounding parishes. Thankfully, this year’s program allowed us to provide once again a familiar structure and material that meets men truly wherever they are in their spiritual journey. The first 3 weeks have been phenomenal! Around 120 men attended our first session, with many new faces and something of a homecoming for many of the faces we hadn’t seen for a while. Thank you for providing the catalyst that continues to re-kindle the desire of the men in our program to grow closer to their Father and to be real Christian men in the world.





Grassroots – The Power of Word of Mouth!

Many years ago, the Bishop of Fargo, ND was visiting Denver. He stayed at a friend’s house who was a lay man. At some point during their visit, he saw a little black TMIY Lenten Journey booklet and inquired about it. After much discussion and discernment, this Bishop brought TMIY back to several parishes in North Dakota. 

A few years later, a Nigerian priest was assigned to a tiny parish in North Dakota. That parish happened to have TMIY and he participated with the men, joined the Core Team and loved it. Upon his return to Nigeria, we felt a strong calling to bring TMIY back to his country in a major way. 

In the words of Fr. Jerome, “I am finally…launching the program. It will be a total movement of men in my diocese! The executive committee [the Core Team] is set…”

TMIY will be present in 7 countries this fall: USA, Canada, Nigeria, Uganda, Germany (US base), Malta, England. 

You can help us spread this mission beyond your imagination. It’s amazing what the Lord can do with just a few loaves and fish…  

The Choice Wine Testimony

Out of the couples who are living the 7 steps, 100% have reported that they are either “happily married” or “very happily married”. Each one of these couples have their own stories: their own struggles and challenges, much like the spouses at your parish.

These steps in The Choice Wine reduce the probability of divorce to practically zero! If you want to give the gift of a thriving, joyful marriage to the spouses in your parish, we encourage you to find out more about bringing The Choice Wine to your parish.

Incredible Growth From A Mustard Seed

We are all familiar with the parable from Matthew’s Gospel wherein Jesus tells us “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field.” This seed is often used as an analogy for the work we undertake with faith that God will help a good thing grow.

And indeed, here at Paradisus Dei, we have witnessed increasing faith bearing great fruit. This fall, we will reach a milestone: 100,000 men who have taken part in TMIY! Think of the population of a healthy-sized city where every single person had grown in their relationship with the Lord!

The growth of the mustard seed is not the end of the story, you know. Christ goes on to tell us “it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” In other words, the seed does not stay the same – it becomes a tree that is a home for others.

Similarly, the many men, women, and young people who have been transformed by Paradisus Dei programs are changing the world around them. Men are becoming better leaders, resulting in healthier relationships with God, their wives, and their families. Marriages are becoming more joyful, thus strengthening the family and their wider community. Young people are finding the answer to tough questions, entering adulthood with the seeds of faith.

Paradisus Dei is not only concerned with learning about the faith—though that’s important too. It is about helping people around the country discover the superabundance of God. 100,000 is a great start, but it doesn’t begin to reflect the number of people who have been touched by loved ones who have attended our programs.

We hope and pray that 100,000 is just the beginning!

If you are ready to start your parish’s journey with one of our programs please let us know by email at [email protected].

Paradisus Dei Ventures into New Space(s)

With a sense of profound gratitude, Paradisus Dei fully embraced the blessings and benefits of two new spaces this May – digital and physical.  Digital refers to the launch of a completely redesigned website, and physical refers to the official blessing of the brand new Paradisus Dei offices.  These new spaces greatly increase the ministry’s capacity and effectiveness.

Simplicity. Engagement. Action.

Those three words define the intended user experience at www.paradisusdei.org.  This approach originates from Paradisus Dei’s mission: to help couples and families discover the superabundance of God.  This discovery happens through experience. The website’s design quickly funnels users to the type of experience they want to have. And past participants in Paradisus Dei programs have proven that experience ultimately leads to action!

A new platform underpins this website, bringing with it all of the latest technology.  That translates into a more enjoyable user experience, more ways for the ministry to stay in relationship with our website community and easy expansion over time.  Website users will appreciate such conveniences as videos that play on-page instead of linking to outside pages, multiple on-page options for asking questions or requesting information, easy-to-download resources and fluid site navigation. The new platform supports an interactive, step-by-step program overview, including how to get started, downloadable program samples and FAQs for each ministry and program.

All of these features come into play through four primary categories: Experience It, Live It, Share It, and Fund It.  These categories represent the options for engaging with Paradisus Dei and form the foundation for the website.

  • Experience It – provides information on how users can experience Paradisus Dei. Ministries, programs, events and other options are presented.  The Choice Wine, That Man is You!, Hope Undimmed and the Mother Daughter Retreat are explored in great detail.
  • Live It – provides information on how users can continue to live their faith. The 7 Steps are presented, along with video reinforcement and practical suggestions for how to live each step daily.  A weekly video reflection series is offered. And partnerships to help users live their faith are highlighted.
  • Share It – provides options for users to share their experience. Downloadable resources provide a starting point for sharing with Friends and Family, Church and Diocese and Local Conferences.  Users can also share their story with us, join the Mission Outreach team or hear others’ stories.
  • Fund It – provides information for users on how to financially support the mission and work of Paradisus Dei. No donation is too small, and options for monthly giving and Paradisus Dei’s giving levels are explored.  Contact information for the development team is provided for further conversation.

This new website allows Paradisus Dei to engage the online community in support of actual communities – families, churches and dioceses.  But the work doesn’t stop here.  Phase 2 of the website project – conversion and improvement to the parish implementation web tools – will launch in June with completion expected in October 2017.


Giving Elbows More Room to Work

Earlier this year, Paradisus Dei moved into new offices off of Richmond Avenue in the Westchase area of Houston.  These offices were custom designed to meet the needs of the growing ministry.  Final work was completed this spring, allowing for the official office blessing to take place earlier this month.

As an international Catholic lay ministry dedicated to helping families discover the superabundance of God, it was critical to start the time in the new space the right way.  Cardinal DiNardo graciously accepted the invitation to preside at Mass and officially bless the new space.  The significance of this event mirrors the significance of the space for the ministry.

The reason for referring to it as “the space” is due to the fact that it contains more than just offices.  Some of the highlights include:

  • Chapel – this beautiful space provides the appropriate atmosphere for the Paradisus Dei team to “give God some of their time,” throughout the day, where the Paradisus Dei family, past and present, is remembered in prayer.
  • Collaborative spaces – a large conference room, small conference room and casual meeting room provide the spaces for creative collaboration, where various teams can meet separately, but at the same time.
  • Professional workspaces – meeting the diverse needs of the growing team, these spaces include deluxe cubicles, offices and a dedicated workroom. Elbows with appropriate room to work get more done!
  • Studio – connected to the office space, having an onsite studio is an incredible blessing for the ministry. As this is being read, Steve Bollman and the team are filming a new year of TMIY, literally feet from their offices.
  • Editing Suite – connected to the studio and boasting the space needed for group viewing of content, the Editing Suite will the production process more collaborative, creative and effective as a result.
  • Storage – dedicated, onsite, but closed off storage keeps the clutter away from the other purpose-driven spaces. The staff is especially grateful not to share their knee-room with boxes, and that makes a difference!
  • Room to grow – the icing on the cake is that all of the above was done with an eye toward continued growth. Whether it be people, projects, processes or technology, the new space will serve the ministry well for years to come.

These new spaces, and the blessings and benefits that accompany them, allow Paradisus Dei to better fulfill its mission to help families discover the superabundance of God, to better serve couples and families.  You are invited to continue to be a part of this essential mission.  Contact us to learn more, or visit www.paradisusdei.org.

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