Grassroots – The Power of Word of Mouth!

Many years ago, the Bishop of Fargo, ND was visiting Denver. He stayed at a friend’s house who was a lay man. At some point during their visit, he saw a little black TMIY Lenten Journey booklet and inquired about it. After much discussion and discernment, this Bishop brought TMIY back to several parishes in North Dakota. 

A few years later, a Nigerian priest was assigned to a tiny parish in North Dakota. That parish happened to have TMIY and he participated with the men, joined the Core Team and loved it. Upon his return to Nigeria, we felt a strong calling to bring TMIY back to his country in a major way. 

In the words of Fr. Jerome, “I am finally…launching the program. It will be a total movement of men in my diocese! The executive committee [the Core Team] is set…”

TMIY will be present in 7 countries this fall: USA, Canada, Nigeria, Uganda, Germany (US base), Malta, England. 

You can help us spread this mission beyond your imagination. It’s amazing what the Lord can do with just a few loaves and fish…  

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