We get asked every summer for content ideas so groups can continue to meet over late spring and summer. We are happy to share some great options with you. Please note that if you plan to take a break for the summer, that is completely ok, but feel free to share these with your small group leaders in case individual small groups may want to meet over the summer.



A 30-Day Journey with St. Joseph
Timing: Starting On May 1st

On May 1st, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, our Paradisus Dei network of men and women will start our 30-day journey with St. Joseph through daily reflections sent via email. This Spiritual Journey will take the men into the depths of prayer with this powerful saint. To sign up for the daily emails, go to St. Joesph Novena. Small groups can continue to meet to discuss the daily reflections with these weekly guides with small group questions.

Want to promote this to your group? Send them this link:



Setting Captives Free: 8-Episode Video Series
Timing: Anytime

Join Jeff Joaquin and Mark Hartfiel for an 8-episode series on sin, mercy, and healing.  Jeff shares his story of wounds and healing – ultimately, a story of God’s unfathomable mercy.  This free series is available at Setting Captives Free.  The series also covers topics such as substance abuse, sexual sin, abortion, the love of money, and unforgiveness.  It is sure to give the men a lot to talk about.


Fr. Dave Pivonka and
Timing: Anytime

Fr. Dave Pivonka is the President of Franciscan University of Steubenville and a presenter in multiple years of TMIY. provides free content centered around the mission of inviting men and women to an encounter with Christ who reveals the love of the Father by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The free content includes the Wild Goose Series on the Holy Spirit, the Metanoia series about personal conversion, and much more. Go to Wild Goose for more information.



40 Day Journey – Into Great Freedom
Timing: Starting on July 4th

Journey towards freedom during the month of freedom. Men can embark on this spiritual journey on their own or with a small group of men. The journey is “intended for men who desire for liberation out of the wilderness, out of the bondage and trappings of this world.”   Men can sign up to receive daily emails in their inbox by going to Into Great Freedom 2022. Weekly themes and small group questions are also available. Based on Mark Hartfiel’s book, Into Great Freedom – From Purgation to Illumination.

Want to promote this to your group? Send them this link:



Magis Institue’s Faith and Science Video Series
Timing: Anytime

The Magis Institute is offering free access to their groundbreaking new series to the men of TMIY.  Click here to watch a short promo about the series. Learn more and register by going here. Free workbook available here when you use the promo code TMIY at checkout.


Social Gathering
Timing: Anytime

Sometimes it is good to go outside of the normal TMIY meeting context. We would like to encourage your group to consider holding a few social gatherings over the summer months.  This could be a monthly event or a one-off event that could involve the whole group or just a few small groups.  The men could do a service project together, go to a daily Mass and meet for coffee afterward, go bowling or have a cookout.  These are all great ways to get the men more connected and build those bonds of friendship.

We also encourage you to involve families when possible.  Let’s build community!  Maybe hold a TMIY potluck event where the families get to meet.  We have even had groups organize a family Holy Hour and social.  Brainstorm with your group and see what you can come up with!


TMIY Retreats
Timing: Anytime
The TMIY Retreat series offers three different retreats on the topics of Manhood, Fatherhood, and Leadership. Each retreat offers four sessions, each is 30 minutes, followed by group discussion. TMIY Retreats can be done weekly, similar to the normal TMIY format. For more information, contact your Program Coordinator, or 281-974-3541 or [email protected].


Hope Undimmed or The Choice Wine
Timing: Anytime
Consider starting a Choice Wine or Hope Undimmed group for the summer months.  You can learn more about the Choice Wine at: Choice Wine and Hope Undimmed at: Hope Undimmed.