When men become authentic leaders and come to know their calling in Christ, they catch fire. The impact goes out far beyond the parish men’s group.
For Pat Masterson, it all started in 2011, when Bob Simi asked him to come to their first session of That Man is You! “He is my best friend. I only showed up because I did not want him to be standing there at 6:00 am all by himself.”
Sixty men showed up. The rest as they say is history. Pat is now the Core Team Leader. The men he has encountered around TMIY and other men’s ministries in the Milwaukee area have had a stunning impact both on his life and the lives of thousands of families.
“TMIY was a big part of my reversion to the Catholic faith. It really made me reflect on my role as a husband, father, and leader in our community. The founders of our group, Associate Pastor Fr. John Burns and Bob Simi helped guide me to know my faith deeper through authentic friendships built on Christ.”
“We have so many amazing stories of conversion and men going out to serve other men and families. Deacon Peter Rebholz was an early member of our TMIY team that discerned the call the Permanent Diaconate. The list goes on and on.”
Bob Simi stepped down as Core Team Leader to focus on another ministry he founded: The Ballpark Day of Faith. Families gather each year for Mass and tailgating before a Brewers game.
Pat’s involvement goes beyond his own parish as well. He is also a Regional Leader for Dynamic Men’s Groups as a part of Men of Christ which hosts the largest men’s conference in the US. They encourage parishes to start men’s groups using programs such as TMIY.
After more than 10 years of being together, there are astounding fruits that have come from TMIY. “Our men are amazing and I hope you get to meet them someday.”
Contact Pat if you would to get involved in or learn more about one of these many ministries: [email protected]